by Chunfeng-Breeze | Feb 27, 2023 | Personal Journey, Teal Journey
Inspired by a post by Joan Lurie on systemic organizational paradigm shifts, I’d like to share a few reflections on my experience of applying a systemic approach in a large organization’s transformation efforts. In today’s organizations, it’s been assumed that...
by Chunfeng-Breeze | May 30, 2021 | Events, Teal Journey
As I’m very much involved in transformation work that is promoting Teal self-organization in a large organizational setting, today it occurred to me that my on-going volunteer experience perhaps could trigger some wisdom from the naturally evolving Teal-like...
by Chunfeng-Breeze | Oct 17, 2020 | Coaching, Mindfullness, Personal Journey, Teal Journey
Throughout my whole career, never before have I felt such great importance of being mindful and presencing in my day-to-day. In my current role as an Enterprise Agile Coach, I feel that I’m spending most of my day in a heightened state of presencing. The word...
by Chunfeng-Breeze | Aug 13, 2019 | Events, Teal Journey
Really excited to host the Agile community meetup in Power Tower. It’s interesting and inspiring to hear the story of Frank, whose company Netcentric did the first holacracy implementation in Europe and the 2nd in the world with over 300 people. I’m familiar with many...
by Chunfeng-Breeze | Aug 13, 2019 | Events, Teal Journey
Why should your organization be agile? What does “agility” really mean? And how do you become “agile”? In this meetup you can experience the answers first-hand: The simulation “Agile Team in Action” provides a context where you are...