“For apart from inquiry, apart from the praxis, individuals cannot be truly human. Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” — Paulo Freire

Reimagine Work is a 1-day event (London, Friday 5 October) dedicated to holding up a mirror to the corporate world and to ourselves as organisational disrupters, disentanglers and change agents. There is a mix of interactive workshops, talks, dialogues, and even art experiences. This wonderful community explores during the day through interactions aimed at sowing seeds, nurturing ourselves, and enabling a new way of being.

In terms more familiar to many of us, we seek to focus on people over processes, to build human relationships rather than human structure, to change the conversation from command/comply to request/response, and ultimately to replace monologue with dialogue.

I was delighted to contribute a session of Mindfulness journey in the Workplace. It is lovely to see the agile community and OD, leadership development areas emerging together. Many different disciplines have much to learn and to share.

Throughout the conversations, it is clear to me that to transform work, we need to start from ourselves. To transform ourselves we need the space and the connection with our core!

Also big thanks to Tobias Mayer who made this event a sequel. And all the 62 co-creators;)
